
Anteil an:

NoiseCom NC346B Noise Source

  • NoiseCom

  • 346B


•Frequency Range: 0.01 to 18 GHz
•Output ENR (db): 14-16
•VSWR Maximum @ On/Off
   01 to 5 GHz:  1.15:1
   5 to 18 GHz: 1.25: 1
• I (max) (mA: 30

The Noisecom NC346B Noise Source is designed for precision noise figure  measurement applications. The vswr has been improved, reducing multiple reflections of the test signals and significantly increasing the measurement accuracy of most noise figure set-ups.
The NC346B Noise Source has broadband coverage of .01 to 18 GHz, and  extremely good temperature and voltage stability, for the finest  noise figure meter-compatible laboratory standards. Outputs  15.5 dB ENR are available, allowing the units to accurately measure noise figures up to 30 dB





रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
मोबाइल:+86-512 6805 2191
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