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Keysight(Agilent) E4438C-602 Internal Baseband Generator

  • Keysight(Agilent)

  • E4438C-602


Performance Characteristics
•80 MHz RF modulation bandwidth; variable sample rate up to 100 MSa/s
•16-bit, hardware oversampling DACs running at 400 MHz for I and Q symbols
•Arbitrary (ARB) and Real-Time waveform generation modes

Baseband Features
•64 MSa waveform playback memory
•Continuous data streams with variable symbol rates
•Flexible arbitrary waveform sequencing

Baseband Generation and Signal Creation
•Built-in two tone, multitone and single/multicarrier custom modulation (PSK, MSK, QAM, ASK, Custom map) signal creation
•Create reference signals: LTE, HSPA+, WiMAX™, WLAN, DVB-H, DAB, MATLAB and more - Signal Studio

Advanced Baseband Signal Generation
Option 602 integrates an advanced dual mode internal baseband generator with a state-of-the-art vector signal generator to facilitate complex I/Q modulation at RF frequencies. The high performance baseband generator combines arbitrary waveform generation (ARB mode) with sophisticated real-time I/Q symbol generation (Real-Time mode) to provide a complete baseband solution.
ARB mode provides the utmost flexibility for pre-calculated I/Q waveform playback within the baseband generator's deep memory limits. Real-Time mode employs a real-time I/Q symbol builder to generate a broad range of digital modulation formats with continuous data streams for BER measurements, without the memory constraints and lengthy waveform calculations commonly associated with traditional arbitrary waveform generation.
Digital Bus Capability and Deep Waveform Playback Memory
The ESG's new internal baseband generator provides digital bus capability to enable digital I/Q outputs from the ESG when used with the Baseband Studio digital signal interface module. Now, mixed-signal testing, at baseband and RF frequencies, is easily accomplished with a single integrated instrument. The new baseband generator also features 64 megasample (MSa) waveform playback memory to accommodate the generation of long test signals. If you do not require the deep waveform playback memory, refer to Option 601 internal baseband generator, 8 MSa memory with digital bus capability.
Note: Option 602 internal baseband generator, 64 MSa with digital bus capability replaces Option 002 internal baseband generator (32 MSa).
Typical Applications
The internal baseband generator is recommended for component and receiver test applications requiring calibrated digitally modulated test signals at baseband, IF, and RF frequencies up to 6 GHz. Common applications include proprietary waveform generation, single and multicarrier cellular communications signal generation, LTE and WLAN signal generation, and intermodulation distortion testing.




रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
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