
Anteil an:

R&S NRT Power Reflection Meter

  • R&S

  • NRT


•Frequency range: 200 kHz to 4 GHz
•Power measurement range: 0.7 mW to 2 kW
•Measurement inputs
For R&S NRT-Z sensors: 1 to 3 (4), one active one input on front panel, two additional inputs on rear panel (option R&S NRT-B2)
For R&S NAP-Z sensors: one input on rear panel (option R&S NRT-B1)
•Measurement functions
Power: Forward power and power absorbed by the load in W, dBm, dB or % (dB and % referenced to measured value or reference value)
Power parameters: Average power, average burst power, peak envelope power, peak-to-average ratio (crest factor), complementary cumulative distribution function
Reflection: SWR, return loss, reflection coefficient, reverse-to-forward power ratio in %, reverse power
•Frequency response correction: Upon input of RF frequency, the stored correction factors of the power sensor being taken into account; for R&S NAP-Z sensors the R&S NRT base unit offers memory for 3 sets of calibration factors
•Zero adjustment: Selectable with RF power switched off, duration approximately 5 s
•LCD display
Digital: Simultaneous indication of power, reflection, and carrier frequency (input value)
Resolution: HIGH is 4½ digits (0.001 dB), LOW is 3½ digits (0.01 dB)
Analog: Two 50-element bargraphs for indication of power and reflection with selectable or pre-defined scale-end values

Directional power meters are used to measure power and reflection under operational conditions. Typical applications are in installation, maintenance and monitoring of amplifiers, transmitters, antennas and RF/microwave generators in industrial and medical fields.

R&S NRT-B1       Interface for Directional Power Sensors NAP-Z
R&S NRT-B2       Two Rear Inputs for Directional Power NRT-Z
R&S NRT-B3       Battery Supply with Built-In Charger and NiMH Battery




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