
Anteil an:

Keysight(Agilent) 8714ES RF Network Analyzer

  • Keysight(Agilent)

  • 8714ES


Narrowband and broadband detection
100 dB dynamic range
Real-time sweep speeds (40 ms/sweep)
Integrated S-parameter test set
Synthesized source with 1-Hz resolution
Standard LAN interface
Standard Internal Keysight Instrument BASIC (IBASIC)
Standard 2, 6, and 12-port switching test sets available

The Keysight 8714ES features an S-parameter test set with full two-port vector-error correction, providing complete and accurate measurements of device S-parameters. Two independent channels can measure and display two parameters such as S21 (transmission) and S11 (reflection) in a variety of formats including delay and SWR, on retangular, polar or Smith-chart displays. The Keysight 8714ES has a frequency range of 300 kHz to 3 GHz.
The ES models contain a 60-dB source attenuator as a standard feature, giving 70-dB of power-level control for testing active and passive devices. Both 50-ohm and 75-ohm versions are available.

11857B                Test Port Cables, Type-N, 75 Ohms
11857F                Test Port Cable Set, Type-F, 75 Ohms
85032E                Economy Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC to 6 GHz, Type-N, 50 ohm
85036B                Standard Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC to 3 GHz, Type-N, 75 ohm
85036E                Economy Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC to 3 GHz, Type-N, 75 ohm
85039B                Economy Mechanical Calibration Kit, DC to 3 GHz, Type-F, 75 ohm




रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
मोबाइल:+86-512 6805 2191
फ़ैक्स: 86-512 6805 1847
फोन: 86-1599 5704 290
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