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Keysight(Agilent) E5071C ENA Series Network Analyzer

  • Keysight(Agilent)

  • E5071C


Various test set selection: 9 kHz to 20 GHz, 2- or 4-port
Low trace noise: 0.004 dB rms @ 70 kHz IFBW
Wide dynamic range: 130 dB (typical)
Fast measurement speed: 8 msec @ full 2-port cal, 401 points
High temperature stability: 0.005 dB/oC
Balanced measurements (4-port option)

The E5071C is the ideal solution for manufacturing and R&D engineers evaluating RF components and circuits for frequency range up to 20 GHz.
The E5071C has flexible configurations and you can select the number or ports, frequency and bias teas to fit your application. And the E5071C provides upgradability across all of the options at any time without changing serial number, for both software and hardware options. The E5071C network analyzer provides flexibility as you plan for future investments.
Frequency Option: 4.5, 6.5, 8.5, 14 and 20 GHz.
Port Configuration: 2 or 4 ports, plus flexible multiport configuration of up to 22 ports with E5092A multiport test set

E5071C-008     Frequency offset mode

E5071C-010     Time domain analysis
E5071C-017     Removable Data Storage
E5071C-019     Standard Data Storage
E5071C-1A7     Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding
E5071C-1CM    Rack mount kit
E5071C-1CN    Front handle kit
E5071C-1CP     Rack mount and front handle kit
E5071C-1E5      High stability timebase
E5071C-240      2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-245      2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-260      2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-265      2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-280      2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-285      2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-2D5      2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-2K5      2-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-440      4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-445      4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-460      4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-465      4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-480      4-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees
E5071C-485      4-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 8.5 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-4D5      4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 14 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-4K5       4-port Test Set, 300 kHz to 20 GHz with Bias Tees
E5071C-790       Measurement wizard assistant software
E5071C-A6J        ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
E5071C-TDR      Enhanced Time Domain Analysis
E5071C-UNQ      Standard stability timebase





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