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Keysight(Agilent) 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit

  • Keysight(Agilent)

  • 34980A


•Eight-slot mainframe, choice of 21-plug-in modules 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit Summary
•Built-in DMM with 6½ digits (22 bits) of resolution
•Scan rates of up to 1000 channels/second
•Standard LAN, USB, and GPIB connectivity to PC, LXI compliant
•Easy remote access with built-in Web interface
•Priced up to 40% less than comparable module solutions in VXI or PXI
•Up to 560 2-wire mux or 4096 matrix cross-points in one mainframe
•Free BenchLink Data Logger software for easy data collection and analysis

The Keysight 34980A is a flexible, reliable switching and data acquisition platform with more than 20 modules to help you customize your test system. Available at a price that is up to 40% less than comparable modular solutions in VXI or PXI.

34980A-001 Mainframe without internal 6.5 digit DMM
34980A-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
34980A-DMM Add internal 6.5 Digit DMM
34307A Thermocouple Kit
34308A                 Thermistor Kit
34832A BenchLink DataLogger Pro software for 34980A - fixed, perpetual license
34921A 40-Channel Armature Multiplexer for 34980A
34921T Terminal Block for 34921A and L4421A Multiplexer
34922A                 70-Channel Armature Multiplexer for 34980A
34922T Terminal Block for 34922A Multiplexer
34923A 40/80 Channel Reed Multiplexer for 34980A
34923T Terminal Block for 34923A Multiplexer
34924A 70-Channel Reed Multiplexer for 34980A
34924T Terminal Block for 34924A Multiplexer
34925A 40/80 Channel Optically Isolated FET Multiplexer for 34980A
34925T                  Terminal Block for 34925A Multiplexer
34931A Dual 4x8 Armature Matrix for 34980A
34931T Terminal Block for 34931A Matrix
34932T Terminal Block for 34932A Matrix
34933A Dual/Quad 4x8 Reed Matrix for 34980A
34933T Terminal Block for 34933A and L4433A 4x8 Matrix
34934A Quad 4x32 Reed Matrix for 34980A
34934T                  Terminal Block for the 34934A Quad 4x32 Reed Matrix
34937A 32-Channel FormC/Form A General Purpose Switch for 34980A
34937T Terminal Block for 34937A and L4437A GP Switch
34938A 20-Channel 5A Form A Switch for 34980A
34938T Terminal Block for 34938A 20-Channel 5 Amp Form A Switch
34939A 64-Channel Form A General Purpose Switch for 34980A
34939T Terminal Block for the 34939A 64-Channel Form A Switch
34941A Quad 1x4 50 Ohm 3 GHz Multiplexer Module for 34980A
34942A Quad 1x4 75 Ohm 1.5 GHz Multiplexer Module for 34980A
34945A Switch/Attenuator Driver for 34980A
34946A Dual 1x2 SPDT Terminated Microwave Switch Module for 34980A
34947A Triple 1x2 SPDT Unterminated Microwave Switch Module for 34980A
34950A 64-bit Digital I/O with Memory and Counter for 34980A
34950T Terminal Block for 34950A and L4450A 64-bit digital I/O
34951A 4-Channel D/A Converter with Waveform Memory for 34980A
34951T Terminal Block for 34951A and L4451A D/A converter
34952A Multifunction Module with 32-bit DIO, 2-ch D/A and Totalizer for 34980A
34952T Terminal Block for 34952A and L4452A Multifunction
34959A Breadboard Module for 34980A
Y1130A Rackmount Kit for 34980A, forward or reverse mount in standard 19 IN rack
Y1131A Verification and diagnostic tools
Y1132A Module extender for 34980A
Y1135A 1.5 m 50-pin Dsub Cable
Y1136A                3 m 50-pin Dsub Cable
Y1137A 1.5 m 78-pin Dsub Cable
Y1138A 3 m 78-pin Dsub Cable
Y1139A Solder cup connector kit
Y1140A Solder cup connector kit
Y1141A Solder cup connector kit
Y1142A Solder cup connector kit


रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
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