
Anteil an:

Topcon BM-9 Luminance meter

  • Topcon

  • BM-9


The BM-9 is portable but multifunction luminance meter.
Measurement angle is selectable from 0.2°,1°,2°(Select from 3 measurement angle in purchase) 
Wide range measurement from 0.01cd/m² (BM-920D : measurement angel 2°) to 19,990,000cd/m² (BM-902D : measurement angle 0.2°).
Communication with PC via RS-232C cable (Option)
Using the extension cable (option) allows the detector and the display unit to be separated for measurement.
Keyboard unit allow instrument to calculate the deviation and integration luminance.




रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
मोबाइल:+86-512 6805 2191
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