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Tektronix 370 High-Resolution Programmable Curve Tracer

  • Tektronix

  • 370


Nothing compares to a curvetracer when power, versatil-ity, and ease of use are needed to test the DC charac-teristics of semiconductordevices. The Sony/Tektronix370A and 371A curve tracerscombine a simple-to-usefront panel, digital acquisi-tion and display, and pro-grammability to serve manyapplication needs. The 370-series digital curve tracersoffer several advantages overanalog curve tracers:
Higher voltage and currentsourcing capability (up to3000 V and 400 A)
Higher resolution voltageand current measurements(down to 1 pA and 50 µV)
View a family of curveswithout flicker
Display a reference curveto measure variations dueto temperature, etc.
Voltage, current, DC beta,and slope measurementwith built-in cursor mea-surements
Store curves and setups forconsistent tests and mea-surements based on refer-ence curves
Full-color printouts usingan HPGL plotter instead ofexpensive Polaroids
Automate tests with com-puter and software (e.g.,Metrics, LabView, etc.) 

The 370A high-resolutioncurve tracer performs DCparametric characterizationof transistors, thyristors,diodes, SCRs, MOSFETs,opto-electronic components,solar cells, solid-state dis-plays, and other semiconduc-tor devices. The 370A is aversatile workhorse in manylabs and production stationswith up to 20A/2000Vsourcing capability com-bined with 1pA and 50Vmeasurement resolution. Ithas pushbutton source andmeasurement configurationso it’s easy to change fromone test to the next.




रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
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