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Keysight(Agilent) 53132A Universal Frequency Counter

  • Keysight(Agilent)

  • 53132A


•Universal Frequency Counter, 12 digits/s
•Two 225 MHz input channels, plus optional third channel up to 12.4 GHz
•12 digits per second, 150 ps time interval resolution
•GPIB Standard

53132A-001      Medium Stability Oven Timebase
53132A-010      High Stability Oven Timebase
53132A-012      Ultra High Stability Oven Timebase
53132A-030      Add 3.0 GHz Channel 3 to standard 225 MHz Channels 1 and 2
53132A-050      Add 5.0 GHz Channel 3 (N connector) to standard 225 MHz Channels 1 and 2
53132A-060      Chan.1 and 2 rear inputs in parallel with front inputs
53132A-061      Chan.1 and 2 rear inputs in parallel with front inputs, Chan. 3 input rear only
53132A-062      Chan.1 and 2 rear inputs in parallel with front inputs, Chan. 3 input front only
53132A-124      Add 12.4 GHz Channel 3 (N connector) to standard 225 MHz Channels 1 and 2
53132A-1CM     Rackmount Kit
53132A-A6J      ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
53132A-H03     Add 10MhZ channel to rear input terminal
53132A-J02      Box to provide code compatibility to 5328A
53132A-PLG     Continental European power cord - Only For EU DISTR W MULT PWR Cord Standards




रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
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