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Keysight(Agilent) 8596E Portable Spectrum Analyzer

  • Keysight(Agilent)

  • 8596E


The Keysight 8596E is an easy-to-use microwave spectrum analyzer that offers a wide range of performance, features, and optional capability to meet your measurement needs. Downloadable measurement personalities combine with optional plug-in performance to provide tailored solutions for your application.
 •Perform complex tests simply and quickly with measurement personalities that support applications like cable TV/broadcast, component test, electromagnetic compatibility, lightwave, and wireless communications
•Four slot cardcage
•Split screen display
•One-button measurement routines
•Advanced measurement functions
•Dual interface
•Built-in tracking generator




रूम 501, इंटरप्रेनियरशिप बिल्डिंग संख्या 3, बिन्हे रोड का नंबर 625, हाई टेक जोन, सूज़ौ
मोबाइल:+86-512 6805 2191
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